Bar Code Printing & Equipment Support
Case Printing Solutions offers bar code support for case coding and product identification. On Site or remote….We can diagnose many problems over the phone.
InkJet Barcode Experts (Thermal InkJet, Continuous InkJet, ValveJet, Piezo InkJet)
GoToMeeting, Phone and In-Person Support
Ink Selection
New / Used
InkJet Printers
Bar Code Verifiers
Material Handling / Conveyor
Ink / Bulk Ink Supplies
Contact us with your Bar Code issue!
Email a photo of your barcode to support@caseprintingsolutions.com, and we’ll get back to you promptly.
Need Help? Call us! 541-754-2273
“As Plant Manager one of my responsibilities is to ensure our products ship on-time to retail partners across the southern U.S. All alpha-numeric text and bar codes printed on products and shipping cases must be high quality. We experienced a period of time when our 2-inch bar codes were no longer passing. We were in serious danger of having our shipments rejected by a large retailer.
We contacted CASE Printing Solutions. They provided online and on-the-phone training, along with tips for future use. They helped us install barcode verifers on the ends of our lines. Now our supplier performance metrics are higher than ever before, and we ship with confidence, knowing our products are properly identified and coded. Thank you CASE Printing Solutions for helping us protect our current and future business with major retailers.”
Thermal Ink Jet Coding Support Archives
Operating Cost and Total Costs: Beware of Buy Low and Spend High
Improve Productivity, Print Quality with Standard Operating Procedures
Clip, Don’t Shake
Ask a Professional: Case Coding Tips
Cleaning Inkjet Print Cartridges Demonstrates the Technology’s Ease-of-Use
HP Industrial Inkjet for Case Coding
Case Printing Solutions Offers Repair Service to Keep Orphaned Industrial Case Coding Equipment Running
Case Printing Solutions
Case Printing Solutions is run by former HP inkjet engineers and technicians. Our knowledge of inkjet ensures that you receive 100% compatible products and excellent support. We stand by our work.